So, I've been blank a few days. Well, maybe just here.
I've joined an awesome new forum. I really encourage any mommy friends to join there! I've only been a member a few days, and I love it!!
In ebay news, both of the items I listed for auction sold. I didn't make much money, but I am quite happy anyway. I did make a little cash. Maybe a gallon or two of gas.
For next time, I have to figure out how to sell only to buyers in the US. Nothing against anyone in any other country, but I get charged more through paypal and shipping costs more. The swimming trunks I sold are being sent to Germany. Addresses confuse me. US addresses make sense, but addresses in other countries confuse me. Are all the letters supposed to be lower case?
Still searching for a job.
Tomorrow Luc starts Kindergarten Kamp. I'm excited for him, but at the same time extremely worried that there is going to be a problem. Luc first of all, has apraxia. He is harder to understand than other children, and some people mistake that for him being less intelligent. He also is very self conscious. He will not sing, dance, skip, or anything that makes him uncomfortable. Even in a group. I have just got him to sing his ABC's. Even overlooking all of these things that put worry in my mind for my baby; this is a ghetto school that is hosting this program. Very ghetto. I don't need him being bullied or being pushed around. I also don't like the influence some of those kids will have on him. I hate to say that just because the program is held there, that that is the way things will be, but I can't say that it won't. The best I can do is give it a try. If I take him and the people who run it or the children who attend it, seem to be a bad influence or just plain mean, then I just won't take him back. Hopefully it will be great and a good experience to prepare him for Kindergarten in September. I want him to make friends and have fun.
Todd's parents invited us to their house for a bbq this afternoon.
Not giving up.
1 day ago