This blog is so neglected. It's weird. I went from blogging daily on xanga, to here where I blogged consistently at first. Then myspace, now facebook. I did blog on myspace, but I don't on facebook. I guess I just don't really have the urge or drive to write much anymore. I barely even update my facebook anymore. I think some of that is because I have too many co-workers added as friends.
Well, what's new?
* School (for me) starts up again next week. I have this semester and next semester before I graduate in April with my 4 year Accounting degree.
* School for Todd Jr and Luc starts Sept. 7th. Luc is starting 2nd grade at his first year in an Emotionally Impaired class. Todd Jr is starting 6th grade.
* Todd Jr is 10 (11 in October) and he has a summer job working with a friend of mine at her produce stand and out in the fields with her boyfriend picking the produce and doing anything else that needs to be done.
* Luc is 6 (7 in October) and he is going to have ear surgery soon to repair a ruptured eardrum. He has had numerous ear infections throughout his life and he had tubes in his ears at a year old. The past few summers, he has gotten really bad infections in his ears after swimming that caused his eardrums to rupture. Every time that happens, the tissue that grows over to heal the hole gets thinner and thinner. This time, the hole is very large and the surrounding tissue is just too little to repair itself. He meets with the surgeon on Thursday (August 19th) for the consultation.
* Benny is 3. He is so smart and so active! He loves super heroes and dressing up as them. He has a Super Why cape and mask, and he has a new Batman mask that he wears every second of the day if allowed.
* Todd is good. He is getting back into playing out and he is trying to get into another band.
* Work (for me) is going okay. I don't too much like my job, but it is rather easy and it beats having to invest the time it would take to find a new one. Especially since I will be done with college in 9 months, and will then be looking for a professional job in the accounting field. I am sick of retail work, but it is convenient so I guess I'll stick with it until I finish school. I'll have my 2 year anniversary with this company in October.
* I am, yet again, trying to lose weight. As of last Monday, I had lost 5.5 pounds, and I feel good about this week. I will weigh in again on Monday morning.
Will I update again soon? Not likely. You never know though!
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
7 hours ago